Deb Armstrong has been posting skiing and sports related videos on YouTube for the past 6 years. These videos are intended to inform, instruct and inspire the ski instructor, ski coach and ski enthusiast from beginner to elite skier.
Deb Armstrong is much more than an accomplished skier, she excels at the keynote podium sharing lessons learned from Olympic success and life lessons learned along the way. These inspirational talks can be modified to suit the goals and needs of the group.
SkiStrong™ seeks to infuse our viewers and fans with a higher level of motivation, techical expertise, wisdom and joy in the sport of skiing. We aim to collaborate with everyone eager to strive in skiing/riding through our many platforms and in person.
Spread the SkiStrong™ vibe far and wide. We are printing, shirts, hats, stickers and promo materials for our fans to show their support and pride in the SkiStrong™ brand. We are agressively networking on social media and at ski resorts. Being a SkiStrong™ supporter has never been more exciting.
For me SkiStrong™ is the culmination of my life’s work, a lifetime of skiing, competition and skiing education.
It all began in the Pacific Northwest, more specifically Alpental, my home ski area. I became a Giant Slalom National Junior Champion, GS National Champion and GS Olympic Champion. The world came to know me in 1984 upon winning the Gold Medal in the Sarajevo Olympic Games.
Leaving ski racing behind after 7 years on the US team, I wanted more. I loved studying history, but after getting my degree from the University of New Mexico, I realized it was movement, mountains and people that I needed on a daily basis. So, with that, I returned to the ski industry.
Over the course of 30 years, I served as Ambassador of Skiing for the Taos Ski Valley, secured my spot on the PSIA National Alpine Team, was the technical director for the Steamboat Ski area Snow Sports school and was the Alpine Director for the Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club. Currently, I serve the industry more broadly through SkiStrong™ as a mentor, advisor and educator.
I live in Steamboat Springs with my partner and daughter.